Tuesday, September 28, 2004

About fast food culture

Fast food /canned food good or bad

In this fast moving world we do not have enough time to spend for our daily needs. At this juncture people are running behind solutions for time saving. Take for instance as food preparation. Housewives are trapped in kitchen. No time to concentrate on children’s studies or house keeping. Fast food and eating out culture enable house wives and other family members to divert their attention to creative activities. At the same time please note the hazardous causes to your health.

Most of fast foods/ canned foods contain high salt content which cause high blood pleasure in your body. Studies show incidents of bacteria in the container and also presence of dangerous preservatives to increase the shelf life of the product. Hence regular use of fast foods/ canned foods are not advisable. But it is the new trend of the youth to go for fast food. We find that of late young girls have no idea about the traditional culinary skills taught by their mothers.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

About thinking ability

Do you have a moment to think about thinking?

Thinking gives us novel ideas. Creative thinking makes our life successful by abandoning our old way of slow pace thinking and attaining high speed thinking which enhances quick decision making. You may be disappointed tomorrow if you think the same way today as yesterday. Hence we have to unleash the power of thinking different ANGLES within ourselves. This is called innovative thinking which gives us power to solve any type of problems in our life.
Take an example of any problems in your life. Write down all solutions one by one and exercise most beneficial two or three solutions /answers. Alas.! Your problem is solved

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Emotional Intelligence VS Intelligence Quotient


Politicians, CEOs of the organizations or any of our leaders who inspire others to do things should have the inspirational quality of emotional intelligence (EI). It is the ability of one’s sense to emotions of his /her own and others around. Good leaders must take an account of human feelings such as sadness, anger, affection, jealous, satisfaction, dissatisfaction and thirst for money and fame etc…. and according to this emotional vibes of the fellow men they can lead and motivate others to attain their set goals.

Intelligence Quotient ( IQ) is the mental ability of one individual and with this ability alone can not drive the leaders to the achievement of their goals. In a working environment the leaders must have both qualities EI and IQ. In short an individual without EI is positively handicapped in connection with effectiveness for he or she is ignorant about the social emotions

Monday, September 20, 2004

Importance of Knowledge Management

Importance of Knowledge Management ( KM)

It is extremely important that knowledge is properly disseminated among all members of the staff in a working environment. In essence all information pertaining to the employment, details of the business goal of the organization and details of what is expected from the employee by the employer should be given to the employees.

Knowledge management is not a technology but it is based on technology. In order to optimize the work performance, growing organizations must define knowledge management strategies as well as performance management strategies. And also the importance of continuous learning programs with in the organization.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Professionalism and Competency in our life

Whenever there is maturity and carefulness in our life then we find professionalism and competency in all areas of our personal, professional and social life. This is an ordinary skill or talent which can be practiced by any layman. We all are born with myriads of talents but many of us are not aware of it or even not willing to expolre the hidden talents.

Everybody is nerve-racking about the current problems elsewhere arround us. But nobody is thinking about solutions to tackle the problems. It is wise to think about the solutions rather than worrying about the problems. Be positive and optimistic . And we must act today for the better tomorrow.

Are you a successful individual ?

Please analyze your life. Can you say that you are a successful individual and you have attained all your life goals. If not, you can. Please take a look at the life historties of former American president Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandhi , the father of India and mother of destitutes, Mother Theresa etc......... All these individuls came from difficult ambience and only through their perseverance they reached the hights of their expectation.

In our life too we should pratice good qualities which practiced by all successful personalities arround us. Good practice makes us perfect. Do you have a life goal ? If not make a life goal today . To achieve this goal you should have a dream about the goal, desire about the goal, decision about the goal, determination about the goal and dedication about the goal. More than above you should be a well disciplined personality. Discipline makes us one hundred percent perfect. No one can say that you are a well organized person unless you are a disciplined personality

How to turn your customer’s complaint into a positive one?

  How to turn your customer’s complaint into a positive one?   1. Listen   When a customer comes to you with a complaint about one of ...