Sunday, April 10, 2022

How to turn your customer’s complaint into a positive one?

 How to turn your customer’s complaint into a positive one?


1. Listen

 When a customer comes to you with a complaint about one of your products or services, listen to them. Listen to what they are telling you, and take notes if at all possible.

 The number one thing a customer wants when they have a problem is for someone to listen to them.

 Allow them to vent, let them get it all out. Once they have explained their problem in full, begin to ask any questions you may have to get a full handle on the situation.

 While you are listening, body language is very important. Make sure you maintain eye contact. This sends your customer a message that you are taking them seriously.

 2. Be Empathetic

 When the customer is done explaining their problem, show sincerity by telling them that you understand how they feel. Apologize on behalf of the company that they feel the way they do, and tell them that you are committed to resolving their issue within the guidelines of your company.

 By becoming defensive in this situation, you are taking a bad situation and making it worse.

 By having an understanding of where your customer is coming from on the situation, and speaking in a calm tone of voice, you can clearly defuse the situation.

 You don’t by any means want your customer to become angry and cause a scene.

 3. Offer a Solution.

 We have all heard the expression “the customer is always right.”

 I don’t necessarily agree with this, but it is important to work toward finding a solution, even if the customer is in the wrong. For instance, you might try meeting them halfway.

 You will know whether or not your customer is a repeat offender, and you can handle the situation accordingly.

 For customers who have a legitimate complaints, it is best to rectify the situation right then and there. Whether it is giving them their money back, or replacing their product.

 Always leave your customer with your business card and tell them if they should ever have a problem again, they should not hesitate to contact you immediately. This will help them regain their confidence in you and your company.

How Important is Internal Customer Service.?

While companies focus thousands of dollars on external customer service in hopes of wooing and retaining customers, little attention is being paid to the effect poor internal customer service has on customer satisfaction. It all starts within your organization! Sooner or later the ripple effect reaches your customers. To really walk your service talk, make sure your commitment to internal customer service matches your company's external focus on customer care.
When we think of customer service we think of colleagues serving customers over the counter or over the phone. But customer service occurs within your organization as well. How well are your employees serving its internal customers: other departments, its management, vendors, and consultants? Believe it or not, it all counts. Internal customer service refers to service directed to others within your organization.
If you define Internal Customer Service as effectively serving other departments within your organization. How well are you providing other departments with services, products, or information to help them do their jobs? How well are you listening to and understanding their concerns? How well are you solving problems for each other to help your organization succeed? Ultimately internal customer service refers to your level of responsiveness, quality, communication, teamwork, and morale.

How to turn your customer’s complaint into a positive one?

  How to turn your customer’s complaint into a positive one?   1. Listen   When a customer comes to you with a complaint about one of ...