Saturday, May 01, 2021

Sustainable Tourism

 Triple P = people, profit, and planet creating a net positive impact in the tourism business.  We must understand the difference between commercial tourism and sustainable tourism.   Commercial tourism focuses only on profit whereas sustainable tourism considers more on the triple bottom line. (PPP) .

Benefits include - 

Profit:- in connection with earnings by income, other financial systems, etc.......

People:- Education, health, well-being and cultural resources, language, food, arts, heritage, and building, etc...

Planet:- anything and everything related to the environment, Natural resources, landscapes, deforestation, biodiversity, wildlife, preservation, conservation, waste, and pollution, etc...

Ultimately, it is the balance between the three pillars. 

What are the types of travelers and why they are traveling?   Holidaymakers, business, employment, and education, etc...

10.4% of global GDP is by the tourism industry.

01 in 10 Jobs.

Developing countries account for 45% of work tourism arrivals. And it is one of the leading employment sectors. 

Sustainable tourism can be a developmental tool and the major goals can be as follows.

No poverty

Zero hunger

Good health and well being

Quality education

Gender equality

Clean water and sanitation

Affordable and clean energy

Decent work and economic growth

Responsible consumption and production

Climate actions

Partnership for the goals

We all need a growth mindset and become an ambassador in our own environment.

Call To Action

Find out the answer for what is the most valuable thing you own?

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