Sunday, April 10, 2022

How to turn your customer’s complaint into a positive one?

 How to turn your customer’s complaint into a positive one?


1. Listen

 When a customer comes to you with a complaint about one of your products or services, listen to them. Listen to what they are telling you, and take notes if at all possible.

 The number one thing a customer wants when they have a problem is for someone to listen to them.

 Allow them to vent, let them get it all out. Once they have explained their problem in full, begin to ask any questions you may have to get a full handle on the situation.

 While you are listening, body language is very important. Make sure you maintain eye contact. This sends your customer a message that you are taking them seriously.

 2. Be Empathetic

 When the customer is done explaining their problem, show sincerity by telling them that you understand how they feel. Apologize on behalf of the company that they feel the way they do, and tell them that you are committed to resolving their issue within the guidelines of your company.

 By becoming defensive in this situation, you are taking a bad situation and making it worse.

 By having an understanding of where your customer is coming from on the situation, and speaking in a calm tone of voice, you can clearly defuse the situation.

 You don’t by any means want your customer to become angry and cause a scene.

 3. Offer a Solution.

 We have all heard the expression “the customer is always right.”

 I don’t necessarily agree with this, but it is important to work toward finding a solution, even if the customer is in the wrong. For instance, you might try meeting them halfway.

 You will know whether or not your customer is a repeat offender, and you can handle the situation accordingly.

 For customers who have a legitimate complaints, it is best to rectify the situation right then and there. Whether it is giving them their money back, or replacing their product.

 Always leave your customer with your business card and tell them if they should ever have a problem again, they should not hesitate to contact you immediately. This will help them regain their confidence in you and your company.

How Important is Internal Customer Service.?

While companies focus thousands of dollars on external customer service in hopes of wooing and retaining customers, little attention is being paid to the effect poor internal customer service has on customer satisfaction. It all starts within your organization! Sooner or later the ripple effect reaches your customers. To really walk your service talk, make sure your commitment to internal customer service matches your company's external focus on customer care.
When we think of customer service we think of colleagues serving customers over the counter or over the phone. But customer service occurs within your organization as well. How well are your employees serving its internal customers: other departments, its management, vendors, and consultants? Believe it or not, it all counts. Internal customer service refers to service directed to others within your organization.
If you define Internal Customer Service as effectively serving other departments within your organization. How well are you providing other departments with services, products, or information to help them do their jobs? How well are you listening to and understanding their concerns? How well are you solving problems for each other to help your organization succeed? Ultimately internal customer service refers to your level of responsiveness, quality, communication, teamwork, and morale.

Saturday, May 01, 2021

Sustainable Tourism

 Triple P = people, profit, and planet creating a net positive impact in the tourism business.  We must understand the difference between commercial tourism and sustainable tourism.   Commercial tourism focuses only on profit whereas sustainable tourism considers more on the triple bottom line. (PPP) .

Benefits include - 

Profit:- in connection with earnings by income, other financial systems, etc.......

People:- Education, health, well-being and cultural resources, language, food, arts, heritage, and building, etc...

Planet:- anything and everything related to the environment, Natural resources, landscapes, deforestation, biodiversity, wildlife, preservation, conservation, waste, and pollution, etc...

Ultimately, it is the balance between the three pillars. 

What are the types of travelers and why they are traveling?   Holidaymakers, business, employment, and education, etc...

10.4% of global GDP is by the tourism industry.

01 in 10 Jobs.

Developing countries account for 45% of work tourism arrivals. And it is one of the leading employment sectors. 

Sustainable tourism can be a developmental tool and the major goals can be as follows.

No poverty

Zero hunger

Good health and well being

Quality education

Gender equality

Clean water and sanitation

Affordable and clean energy

Decent work and economic growth

Responsible consumption and production

Climate actions

Partnership for the goals

We all need a growth mindset and become an ambassador in our own environment.

Call To Action

Find out the answer for what is the most valuable thing you own?

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Importance of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is simply about being present in the moment, observing our thoughts and emotions without judgement and without allowing our thoughts and feelings to dictate our actions. It is an investment of time, effort and energy. Being mindful is fundamental to several faiths, including   Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islamic, Jewish and Taoist teachings. Mindfulness is a mental practice unrelated to any specific religion. Mindfulness is not meditation. Meditation is just one mindfulness practice.  It is a mindset, a lifestyle, an integral part of your every day.


Mindfulness enables you to cultivate awareness, tolerance, acceptance, kindness and compassion. It increases resilience by rewiring your brain to respond to experiences positively and productively, instead of reacting in a way that can increase stress.


It does not take a long time to benefit from mindfulness. You can make significant progress in just one week of daily mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness can make you feel more relaxed, sleep better, worry less and cope better with challenges after only one session.


Mindfulness is not time-consuming. If you can find 10-15 minutes/day to practice mindfulness, you can make significant progress and dramatically reduce your stress levels. Even as little as 5-10 minutes a day will yield noticeable results.


Mindfulness is not about emptying your mind. Mindfulness is about noticing, accepting and letting go of your thoughts. Mindfulness is not a shortcut to happiness. Mindfulness can help reduce and even eliminate depression, anxiety and stress but only if we are willing to work at re-training our minds so that we can cope with whatever comes our way.


Mindfulness is not the only method you can use to cope with change, but it is one of the most effective ones. Mindfulness enables you to see more clearly what is happening in your life. It will not eliminate stress, but it can help you respond in a stress-diminishing way. It helps you to recognise and avoid habitual, often unconscious and unhelpful reactions to everyday events, thus improving your quality of life


By Vincent Baby

Blissful Workplace Coach

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

IKIGAI - A reason for being

IKIGAI is a wonderful Japanese concept that essentially means “A Reason for Being.” It refers to having a direction or purpose in life, that which makes one's life worthwhile, and towards which an individual takes spontaneous and willing actions giving them satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life.

Here are the few rules of finding your IKIGAI:

1. Stay active, don’t retire: Those who give up the things they love doing and do well lose their purpose in life. That’s why it’s so important to keep doing things of value, making progress, bringing beauty or utility to others, helping out, and shaping the world around you, even after your “official” professional activity has ended.

2. Take it slow:. Being in a hurry is inversely proportional to the quality of life. As the old saying goes, “Walk slowly and you’ll go far.” When we leave urgency behind, life and time take on new meaning.

3, Smile : A cheerful attitude is not only relaxing—it also helps make friends. It’s good to recognize the things that aren’t so great, but we should never forget what a privilege it is to be in the here and now in a world so full of possibilities.

4. Nature Connectivity: Though most people live in cities these days, human beings are made to be part of the natural world. We should return to it often to recharge our batteries.

5. Give Gratitude: To your ancestors, to nature, which provides you with the air you breathe and the food you eat, to your friends and family, to everything that brightens your days and makes you feel lucky to be alive. Spend a moment every day giving thanks, and you’ll watch your stockpile of happiness grow.

6. Be in the Present: Stop regretting the past and fearing the future. Today is all you have. Make the most of it. Make it worth remembering.

7. Follow your IKIGAI: There is a passion inside you, a unique taken that gives meaning to your days and drives you to share the best of yourself until the very end. If you don’t know what your IKIGAI is yet, your mission is to discover it.

 By Vincent Baby – Blissful Workplace Coach 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Top 10 Smart Skills for Students

To stand out in this competitive world, a student is required to hone many skills and abilities which is not a one-day job. A student needs to carve out these skills by practising every day and this takes a long time. These skills will be helpful not just in schools and colleges, but also in building a lucrative professional career

What are Smart  skills?

These are skills that can be used to convey ideas and messages in an effective manner. These skills can also be used to handle serious situations while taking care of overall scenario. The smart skills are very important in today's world where management and human resources are given prime focus.
Smart Skills help to grow a powerful personality. It helps to stand out and to move forward in your everyday activities to reach your goals. These skills are thus supposed to be used in every other situation, big or small.

Problem Solving

Problem-solving will help in controlling situations that may get out of hand. This skill helps one come up with solutions for different scenarios. Improving your problem-solving skills is very important because we live in an uncertain world, where any sort of situation can turn into an unfavourable one. Students should know how to solve situational problems. 

Creative Thinking

Thinking creatively is of great importance as it leads to the expansion of the imagination. Students need to be creative in their approach in every aspect and it helps them understand the world in a better way and come up with answers that might give the rest of the world a new perspective. Ideation and creation are, thus, very elemental parts of education.


Teamwork is the most essential skill required at every stage of one's career. Working together will always help in producing more. Students must understand the importance of unity. In higher levels of work, people will have to work together, in doing so many times they will have to confront each other and argue.


Students have to learn how to make decisions within the given time. By doing so they will have a stand of their own and will not have to depend on other people. By deciding which stream to pick, which electives to choose and which co-curricular activities they must go for, they learn what is best for them, which will form the foundation of this skill.

Moreover, the people we choose as friends and the groups we mingle with also help us develop our personality. Even there, decision-making is important.

Intra-Personal Skills

Skills that help you understand yourself, your emotional intelligence, your thoughts, beliefs and opinions on things are known as intra-personal skills.

These skills help you mould yourself into better leaders, with adequate knowledge about yourself. You will know your stand on many decisions and ideas. Only when you try to understand yourself, will you be able to understand the other. You will need them the most when you will have to work on certain tasks all by yourself, and when you need to know your strengths and weaknesses. 

Inter-Personal Skills 

Once you understand yourself, you will start noticing how other people work. Skills that help you understand the intelligence and behaviour of other people with whom you work are called interpersonal skills.

These skills are helpful when it comes to working in groups. You will know how group dynamics work and how each person will react to a certain topic, so it will become easier for you put for the ideas in a certain manner so that it will be in your advantage. 

Communication Skills

Be it a student or a working professional, this skill is required for every individual. This is a basic skill required for everyone to communicate. One has to understand how to face people who are aggressive and how to talk to people who can be sensitive.

Students will find communication skills very helpful, if they develop them, as it will be useful in almost all the areas. Most of the services that careers offer deal with human beings in one way or another. Thus having good communication skills is not only important, it looks like a golden star on your resume.

Leadership Skills

For a student, one will always have decision to make. Whether a follower or a leader. There will be opportunities like class election, and student union election and club president or representative leader that will test who the majority of people like and think should be a leader. But leaders can also come forth due to situations.

Someone who is quick in thinking and can make the right decisions, coordinate other people and pull off an event or a situation with smooth functioning can spearhead as a leader. Leadership is an important soft skill that a student can use further in their career. 

Positive Attitude

When the world is filled with many negative factors, one has to win hearts with a positive approach. Starting from teachers to friends, everyone will look for someone who drives the academic year with a positive attitude. Students have to hone this skill to maintain their friendly atmosphere with everyone at an educational institute.

With a positive attitude, students should consider some key areas that will help them develop a positive attitude such as high energy, enthusiastic, confident, cooperative, patient, respectable, respectful and sense of humour. 

Listening Skills

Surely, a good listener enjoys the highest degree of respect in a society. Students should rate this as the first skill that should be honed because it is very important while pursuing a higher education.

One should hone this skill by involving actions such as nodding their head and making eye contact. 

With these skills, any student will be able to reach the heights that they have always dreamed of.

Friday, September 18, 2015

My Friendly Enemy

You pick me up,
You put me down,
I’m controlled by your desire.
You’ve made me friends,
You’ve caused me fights,
I’ve even been your liar.
No solitude when you’re around,
No bitterness or tears,
Cause and solution to my struggles,
Both creating and easing fears.
I think it’s time I took control,
I don’t mean to be rude,
I’m the boss, you have to learn,
My bittersweet attitude.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Concentration and Attention

Concentration and attention.

1st year students of MBBS were attending their 1st anatomy class.
They all gathered around the surgery table with a real dead dog.
The Professor started class by telling two important qualities as a Doctor.
e.g. He inserted his finger in dog’s mouth & on drawing back tasted it in his own mouth.

Then he said them to do the same.
The students hesitated for several minutes.
But eventually everyone inserted their fingers in dog’s mouth & then tasted it.

When everyone finished, the Professor looked at them and said:
The most important 2nd quality is OBSERVATION, I inserted my Middle finger but tasted the Index finger.
Now learn to pay attention.

Life is tough but it’s a lot tougher,when you are not paying attention !!!!!

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How to turn your customer’s complaint into a positive one?

  How to turn your customer’s complaint into a positive one?   1. Listen   When a customer comes to you with a complaint about one of ...